Thursday, April 18, 2019

The Compassion Emotatude

When we are moved in our hearts to act in an instance to relieve the suffering of others, it is called compassion.  It is a fleeting yet constant Emotatude. How did the good Samaritan decide to help the fallen man?  Why did he tend to his wounds when others passed him by?  I do not fault those who overlook the suffering of others.  I sense there is something inherent in those who practice intense observation, conscious thinking, and a heart-centered approach to life.  So, in essence, one must be prepared for the seeds of a Compassion Emotatude to grow in your heart.  It is the moment of deciding to act to help that empathy becomes compassion.

This is why I am working on my next children's book  Compassion Emotatudes.  I believe that compassion needs to be cultivated in all of us.  I think when we see other people committing acts of compassion, we are more prone to find a place in our own hearts to act compassionately to others.

In this story, a young boy walks to and from school every day with his friends. He notices a little dog suffering while his friends are to busy talking on their phones to see he needs help.  This book is about a boy who changes the lives of others for the better.